Page 117 - 中文讀本教學指引1
P. 117

114  中文讀本教學指引(一)

                  you will be told whether it will be played once or twice. You may take notes as you listen.

                  Your notes will not be graded. After listening to each selection, you will see questions in
                  English.For each question choose the response that is best according to the selection. You

                  will have 12 seconds to answereach question.

                       ( Note: Teacher will read the selections from Teacher's Guide)

                       (Note: In this part of exam, the students may turn to another page only for the
                  questions associated with the current listening selection.)

                     Voice message

                       (Narrator): Now you will listen twice to a voice message.

                       (Woman)          喂﹗小英, 你知不知道小美在哪兒嗎﹖我沒有她家 的電話號
                                     碼, 也沒有她的手機號碼。我的古箏所有的絃都鬆了,想請她





                       (Narrator): Now listen again

                       (Woman)          喂﹗小英﹐ 你知不知道小美在哪兒嗎﹖我沒有她家的電話號

                                     碼﹐ 也沒有她的手機號碼。 我的古箏所有的絃都鬆了﹐想請她
                                     來幫我調一調音。 還有﹐ 下個星期六是我們古箏老師李老師的



                                     的生日舞會﹐請她為我們唱幾首歌。 別忘了打電話給我﹐告訴
                                     我小美的電話號碼。我現在在家做功課﹐ 十一點以前不會睡覺。

                       (Narrator): Now answer the questions for this selection.

                             1. ( b ) 2. ( c ) 3. ( c ) 4. ( c)            5. ( d )


                             1.( z )     2.( k ) 3.( o ) 4.( p )           5.( a )

                             6.( s )     7.( h )    8.( v ) 9.( q ) 10.( m )

                             11.( g ) 12.( d ) 13.( e ) 14.( j ) 15.( u )
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