Site Navigator 網站導覽
Home Site Navigator

This site in accordance with the "web accessibility norms" design principle, follow the norms provide barrier-free web site design guide brick (:::), site navigation, keyboard shortcuts (Accesskey) and other design.

1. ALT+U:Top Panel
2. ALT+C:The main contents of the middle block, this block presents various information page content

本網站依照「無障礙網頁開發規範」原則設計,遵循無障礙網站設計之規範提供網頁導盲磚(:::)、網站導覽、鍵盤快速鍵 (Accesskey) 等設計方式。

1. ALT+U:本網站上方導覽區塊
2. ALT+C:本網站首頁中間主要內容區塊