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About this Website

In an effort to assist and promote overseas compatriot education, the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) has been hosting and maintaining “Huayuworld.org” website for more than a decade as a rich and diverse source of Chinese language learning materials, supplementary cultural materials, teacher training videos, instructional videos, games and relevant educational resources. They aim is to encourage overseas compatriot schools to develop diverse and living teaching models to increase the motivation of overseas compatriot students.

In response to the key policy of promoting traditional Chinese to local students and populations in the U.S. and different parts of Europe where overseas compatriot schools have set up a Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning with the assistance from OCAC, relevant contents in English on its website have been updated. With the promotion of the Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning functioning as the theme, the Chinese contents on the website now feature English translations, with information such as the locations of different centers, course overview, recommended learning resources for foreign students and so forth now available for easy reference.


