Q&A FAQs 常見問題集
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Q1. What is Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning (TCML)?
The number of people learning Mandarin in Europe and the US is increasing year by year. To take advantage of the opportunity to promote Mandarin education with Taiwanese characteristics, the OCAC (Overseas Community Affairs Council) provides guidance to the local overseas compatriot schools for the planning of establishing TCMLs. TCMLs serve as one of the most important footholds in promoting traditional Chinese characters to people in mainstream society in Europe and the US.


Q2. What are the criteria for becoming a TCML?
Organizations listed by the OCAC, overseas compatriot schools and groups that have filed for reference are eligible to establish TCMLs. However, currently, applications are only open to overseas compatriot schools or groups in the US and Europe. Those who are interested may submit their application to Taipei Representative Offices. For more information on the application, please see Downloads on our website.


Q3. Are mainstream colleges or local vocational training centers eligible to apply? The main applicants of TCML are organizations listed by the OCAC and overseas compatriot schools that have filed for reference. Can they collaborate with the mainstream colleges or local vocational training centers?
The OCAC welcomes collaborations in establishing TCMLs between mainstream colleges or local vocational training centers and organizations listed by the OCAC, as well as overseas compatriot schools (groups) that have filed for reference.


Q4. Who are the target students of TCMLs?
The Mandarin courses organized by TCMLs mainly target members of the mainstream society who are 18 years old (included) and above.


Q6. What are the characteristics of Mandarin courses held by TCMLs?
The characteristics of Mandarin courses held by TCMLs include:

  1. The courses are taught in traditional Chinese characters. Apart from the digital Mandarin materials on Huayuworld.org, the courses also adopt the teaching materials written and provided by OCAC (including conversational materials for adult learners with minimal proficiency, such as Speak Mandarin in 500 Words, Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words and the new adult second language conversation textbooks, Let’s Learn Mandarin).

  2. Students are able to take part in various cultural introduction activities held by OCAC culture centers.

  3. Students are able to join youth camps, language classes, and youth study tours in Taiwan to gain more direct experience of Taiwanese culture and lifestyle, while learning Mandarin in a democratic, free, and diverse environment.

  4. Students are able to come to Taiwan to join an English teaching volunteer program, promoting two-way cultural interaction and language learning. The students can thus learn Mandarin and experience Taiwanese culture more comprehensively.

  5. Students are able to take part in Mandarin related competitions held by OCAC, in collaboration with the AI education sector.


  1. 以正體字教學,除了「全球華文網」數位教材,使用僑委會提供之自編教材教學(包含針對成人零起點所開發之對話教材《五百字說華語》、《一千字說華語》,以及新編成人二語教材《來!學華語》等教材)。

  2. 學生可參與僑教中心舉辦的各項文化導覽活動。

  3. 學生可到臺灣參加青年營隊、語文班與觀摩團,更直接體驗臺灣的文化與生活,並在民主、自由與多元的環境下學習華語。

  4. 學生可到臺灣參加英語服務營,藉此推動雙向文化交流和語言學習,在臺灣更容易深入學習華語與體驗臺灣文化。

  5. 學生可參與僑委會結合智能教育產業舉辦之華語文相關競賽。

Q7. Can people of Chinese or non-mainstream ethnicities, and underprivileged people enroll in the Mandarin courses?
The target students of the Mandarin courses of this program are adults who are 18 years old (included) and above, i.e., anyone 18 years old (included) and above and not versed in Mandarin can enroll in the courses.


Q8. How much are the tuition fees for TCMLs?
The tuition fees are determined by the respective TCMLs. For more information, please see Learning Center & Course on our website or contact the respective TCMLs.


Q10. How do foreigners register for Mandarin proficiency examinations?
For more information, please visit the page for Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language, About TOCFL.


Q11. What are the Taiwan characteristics, pertaining to TCMLs, referring to?
The proficiency level of the students in overseas compatriot schools is K-12. The objective of establishing TCMLs is not to replace overseas compatriot schools, but to coordinate with them. The target students of TCMLs are adults in mainstream society in the US. Collaborating with the US government, TCMLs use the existing resources of overseas compatriot schools for their establishment. Mandarin learning under Taiwanese teaching style has the following characteristics:

  1. Portraying the robust Mandarin teaching capacity of Taiwan: TCMLs closely coordinate with 1,029 overseas compatriot schools to fully utilize the robust Mandarin teaching capacity of Taiwan. TCMLs have also established collaborations and interactions with Mandarin teaching institutions in Taiwan to ensure Mandarin teaching capability can be brought into play beyond the borders of Taiwan through professional linkage.

  2. Providing a free, democratic, open and diverse environment for Mandarin learning: Confucius Institutes of Mainland China interfere with academic freedom and freedom of expression. However, the greatest advantage of Taiwan is its free, democratic, open and diverse society. TCMLs teach Mandarin in such a free and democratic environment. This also corresponds to the American social values and the founding principles of the US. Our American friends are able to learn Mandarin in such free and democratic environment at ease.

  3. Connecting to Taiwanese culture: Language is a medium of culture and the memory of history. Traditional Chinese characters are capable of connecting with Chinese culture and history better. Moreover, Taiwan possesses a diverse culture and has retained complete traditional Chinese culture. On the contrary, under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party, Mainland China’s culture has undergone many changes, as opposed to Taiwan. Meanwhile, Taiwanese culture is also very diverse as it has incorporated the Western, immigrant and aboriginal cultures. Language is the confluence of culture, lifestyle and values. Without the support of these factors, it is difficult to comprehend and learn a language. Language learning is also about understanding culture, lifestyle, history and values. Language learning drives the understanding of a culture, whereas the urge to learn about a culture is a motivation for learning a language.

  4. Narrating the virtue and development of Taiwan to the international community: The previous director of American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), Brent Christensen, had advised Taiwan to promote its narration. Apart from the hardworking, virtuous and diligent Taiwanese tales, promoting the high-tech, healthcare, education and agricultural sectors of Taiwan can assist our American friends in understanding Taiwan more comprehensively. These lifestyle aspects can facilitate the collaboration and interaction between the two countries in the future. We also invite our American friends to come to Taiwan and join the language classes and English teaching volunteer programs. This will help them to get accustomed to the learning environment in Taiwan and learn Mandarin more easily.

  5. Using advanced technologies to learn Mandarin: Our advanced technologies include digital and AI technologies. The use of AI for Mandarin learning in Taiwan is relatively mature. It can be joined with the overseas compatriot schools and become an advantage of Mandarin teaching in the future. This year, the OCAC has hosted three large-scale competitions using AI technology, including 1. Mandarin Speaking Competition; 2. Mandarin Singing Competition; 3. Mandarin Writing Competition. In the future, OCAC is planning to collaborate with Taiwan’s smart education industry to host global Mandarin examinations.


  1. 展現臺灣優質的華語教學能量:包含臺灣在海外緊密聯繫的1,029所僑校可共同發揮的華語優質教學能量,並與臺灣國內華語教學機構合作連結與交流,將臺灣國內外華語文教學能量透過專業的連結合作發揮。

  2. 在自由民主開放多元環境下學習華語文:中國大陸孔子學院干預學術及言論自由,臺灣最大特色是自由民主開放多元,臺灣華語文學習中心在自由民主環境下教授華語文,這也是美國社會所追求的價值及立國的基礎,在自由民主環境下學習華語可以讓美國朋友更加安心學習。

  3. 與臺灣文化連結:語言是文化的載體,是歷史的記憶,臺灣的正體字可以聯結文化與歷史,臺灣具有多元文化,並保有最完整的傳統中華文化,這部分中國大陸在共產黨治理下很多都已改變,只有臺灣完整保存。另外臺灣文化非常多元,包含西方、新住民及原住民文化,語言的背後是文化、生活與價值,沒有這些支撐,語言不容易理解與學習,學語言是學文化、生活、歷史與價值。學習語言可以瞭解文化,學習文化則支撐語言的學習動能。

  4. 向國際敘述臺灣的良善故事與發展現況:前AIT處長酈英傑表示,希望臺灣多宣傳臺灣的故事 ,除了打拚、良善、勤奮的臺灣故事外,臺灣的高科技、醫療、教育、農業等產業,更能讓美國朋友全面認識臺灣。這些生活面向未來可以促進兩國更多合作交流。我們可以邀請美國友人來臺參加語言班、英語服務營等,讓他們融入臺灣學習環境更容易學習華語。

  5. 運用高科技學習華語:高科技包括數位、智能科技,臺灣華語文智能產業發展相對成熟,未來可以將這股力量與僑校相結合,以發揮語言教學的優勢。今年僑委會有3大比賽運用人工智慧AI來完成,包括1.華語口說競賽。2.華語歌唱比賽。3.華文作文比賽。未來並計劃與民間智能產業合作,辦理全球華語學習成效測驗。

Q12. How are TCMLs different from Confucius Institutes?

  1. TCMLs are not in competition with Confucius Institutes. TCMLs cooperate with the US government, whereas Confucius Institutes are opposed by the US government. The organizations are fundamentally different.

  2. The greatest advantage of Taiwan is its democratic, free, diverse and open society. However, Confucius Institutes interfere with academic freedom and freedom of expression, which goes against the founding principles of the US. Therefore, the US government opposes the development of Confucius Institutes on its soil and chooses to collaborate with Taiwan.

  3. Taiwan possesses mature AI technology in Mandarin teaching. In the future, it will expand its collaboration with the AI educational sector.

  4. To welcome more American friends to Taiwan, TCMLs incorporate English teaching volunteer programs, summer camps and more language learning programs, allowing more American friends to experience the diversity and excellence of the Taiwanese culture.

  1. 臺灣華語文學習中心不是和孔子學院競爭,而是與美國政府合作,孔子學院是被美國政府所禁止,兩者本質上有所不同。

  2. 臺灣最大優勢是民主、自由、多元、開放,孔子學院干預學術及言論自由,與美國立國價值違背,所以美國政府禁止孔子學院在美發展,選擇與臺灣合作。

  3. 臺灣有成熟的華語文智能科技,未來將擴大與智能教育產業的連結。

  4. 讓更多美國朋友來臺,結合英語服務營、夏令營甚或更多語言學習方案,讓美國友人實地來臺接觸多元優質的文化。