2025 OCAC Global Mandarin Speaking Competition 2025年全球華語口說爭霸賽
Home International Competitions 2025 OCAC Global Mandarin Speaking Competition
competition schedule

Category and Eligibility:

Category Registration Link
TCML Personal Registration
Group Batch Registration
I.    All Students aged 18 and above (born on or before April 1, 2007) currently enrolled in TCML are eligible to participate in the competition.
II.    If you don’t have a personal Huayuworld.org account, please register first before completing the registration. (Register for a Huayuworld.org account here
III.    Please select the correct competition category based on your age. Duplicate registrations are strictly prohibited.
IV.    Participants who complete registration and obtain a score in any Preliminary round will automatically qualify for the Final round.
V.    Before registering, please carefully review the Notification of Personal Data Collection, Processing, and Use. (Download the document here.)
VI.    For Overseas Compatriot Schools students, please proceed to Overseas Compatriot Schools registration page.

Competition Content:

Selected from Let's Learn Mandarin published by OCAC

Competition Format:

•    The competition follows an individual ranking system, with final rankings determined by the sum of the highest total scores from two competition sections.
•    Participants must complete both "Shadowing" and "Sight Reading" competition sections.
•    Participants may compete unlimited times within the designated competition period.

Awards and Prizes:

•    Preliminary Round Prizes: the top 200 participants in each preliminary round may apply for a digital participation certificate.
•    Final Round Prizes: the top 10 winners will receive scholarships and certificates, furthermore, TCML would be awarded with “Coaching Incentive”. 
Rank Participant TCML
Scholarship Certificate Coaching Incentive (Tax-Inclusive)
1st  USD700 USD200
2nd USD 600 USD200
3rd USD 500 USD200
4th USD 400 USD200
5th USD 300 USD200
6th-10th USD 200 USD200
(Note: After a 20% tax deduction, the net coaching incentive is USD 160.)

Registration and Competition Related Documents:

•    For detailed information about the competition, please refer to Competition Guidelines (Download Here) and Competition Rules (Download Here).
•    For detailed registration and competition process, please refer to Instruction of Registration and Competition Process (Download PPT/PDF/Registration Process Video/Competition Process Video).
•    For other related questions, please refer to FAQ (Download Here).
•    For any assistance with the competition, MyCT Courses or MyCT software, contact L Labs Inc. via emails or Line@:


More Instructions:

•    Let’s Learn Mandarin digital resources are available for download on Huayuworld.org. 
•    The organizer reserves the right to amend or supplement the competition regulations as necessary, with any updates announced on Huayuworld.org.





競賽組別 報名方式
TCML組 個人線上報名表 TCML團體批次線上報名表
I.    臺灣華語文學習中心(TCML)之在學學生
II.    2007年4月1日(含)以前出生,18歲以上在學學生。


(一)    若沒有個人全球華文網帳號與密碼,請至「全球華文網」註冊,再完成報名。
(二)    請依出生日期,正確選擇報名組別,不得重複報名。
(三)    各組參賽者,只需完成任一場初賽報名,並參賽取得成績,即獲得參加總決賽資格。
(四)    報名前請詳閱個資蒐集、處理及利用告知事項
(五)    此為「TCML學生比賽專區」,僑校學生請至「僑校學生比賽專區」。




•    採個人成績排名制,比賽結束後以參賽者最佳一次得分進行排名。
•    參賽者須完成「跟讀」及「朗讀」2項競賽項目。
•    參賽者可於活動期間不限次數參賽。


•    初賽:每場初賽的前200名之參賽者,得申請數位參賽證書1張。
•    總決賽:前五名和優等者(第六至十名),可獲得獎學金及獎狀,另頒發「輔導獎勵金」以獎勵臺灣華語文學習中心。
決賽名次 參賽者 TCML
獎學金(USD) 獎狀 輔導獎勵金(USD)(含稅)
第一名 700 乙紙 200
第二名 600 乙紙 200
第三名 500 乙紙 200
第四名 400 乙紙 200
第五名 300 乙紙 200
優等(5名) 200 乙紙 200


•    競賽詳細辦法與規則,請參考比賽簡章(下載)與比賽規則(下載)。
•    詳細報名與參賽流程,請參考報名及比賽流程(下載PPT/PDF/報名流程影片/比賽流程影片)
•    報名與競賽常見問題,請參考FAQ(下載)。
•    若遇到任何MyCT安裝、操作、競賽或課程客服問題,請洽艾爾科技:
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•    《來!學華語》數位教材資源,可於「全球華文網」之「《來!學華語》專區」下載使用。
•    本簡章若有未盡事宜,得由主辦單位適時修正補充,並於「全球華文網」上公告周知。