International Competition Held by OCAC in 2022 僑委會2022年辦理各項國際比賽活動資訊
Home International Competitions International Competition Held by OCAC in 2022

The OCAC held the following international competitions in 2022. OCAC will continue to evaluate and organize the competitions. We encourage all interested overseas youths to join!

1. Mandarin Speaking Competition for Overseas Compatriot School Students and Overseas Compatriot Students studying in Taiwan
To increase students' interest and confidence in learning Mandarin, the OCAC first held the “Mandarin Speaking Competition for Overseas Compatriot School Students” in 2020. In 2021, Overseas Compatriot Students Studying in Taiwan were invited, and the event became the “Mandarin Speaking Competition for Overseas Compatriot School Students and Overseas Compatriot Students Studying in Taiwan.” In 2022, a division of the Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning  has been added as well as a Competition named the “Mandarin Speaking Competition,” which was held in June, September (practice round) and November (final round). The numbers of participants in the practice rounds in June and September 2022 were 621 and 633, respectively, and 234 for the final round in November.

2. Singing Competition for Overseas Compatriot School Students and Overseas Compatriot Students Studying in Taiwan
To encourage overseas compatriot schools to guide students to learn Mandarin and demonstrate their music talent through Mandarin songs, the OCAC held the “Mandarin Singing Competition for Overseas Compatriot School Students and Overseas Compatriot Students Studying in Taiwan,” in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Hakka Affairs Council in 2022. The participants consisted of 397 students from overseas compatriot schools in 13 countries and 260 overseas compatriot students from 80 schools within Taiwan. There were 8 students from the Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning division participated. In total, 665 students participated. The OCAC also arranged the winner of the first place of overseas compatriot students to perform in the National Day party on October 9.

3. Mandarin Writing Competition for Overseas Compatriot School Students 
To encourage students in compatriot schools to learn traditional Chinese, to strengthen Mandarin writing, and to promote exchange between different compatriot schools and demonstrate the results of Mandarin learning, the OCAC first held the “Mandarin Writing Competition for Compatriot School Students” in 2021 using AI technology. In 2022, the OCAC held the competition again. Both times, the competition had two stages. The first round was judged by an AI system with real-time grading, while the second round was graded by professional judges in Taiwan. 422 students participated in the competition in 2021 and 248 students participated in the competition in 2022.







