The Mouse Bride 老鼠娶親
Home Taiwan Fables The Mouse Bride
The Mouse Bride
Once upon a time in a beautiful countryside, there was a village of mice. The village elder was Papa Mouse, and he had a beautiful daughter. All the young gentlemen of the village wanted to marry her. However, Papa Mouse thought,“I am the leader of the twelve zodiacs. So, whoever wishes to marry my daughter has to be the best of the best to be worthy of my beautiful daughter.”

Papa Mouse set off immediately to find Matchmaker Wang who showed him a list of all the young and eligible mice in the village. But Papa Mouse decided that he did not want his daughter to marry a fellow mouse, because mice are naturally afraid of cats and the sun. Papa Mouse decided to leave his village in search of the mightiest man in the world. Papa Mouse met Mr. Sun first, and he thought to himself, “Mr. Sun must be the mightiest, for he shines brightly, and fills the world with light.” So, he went to find Mr. Sun.

But Mr. Sun told Papa Mouse, “Mr. Cloud can block my sunshine. Therefore, Mr. Cloud is the mightiest.” So, Papa Mouse went to find Mr. Cloud. Mr. Cloud told Papa Mouse, “Mr. Wind can blow me around. Therefore, Mr. Wind is the mightiest.” So, Papa Mouse went to find Mr. Wind. Mr. Wind told Papa Mouse, “I can blow with all my might, but I cannot move Mr. Mountain. Therefore, Mr. Mountain is the mightiest.” Mr. Mountain heard them speaking and said,“I am stronger than Mr. Wind, but I am afraid of mice, because they can easily dig holes in me. Therefore, I think mice are the mightiest.” Papa Mouse suddenly realized that a mouse was the most suitable match for his daughter!

So, Papa Mouse returned to Mouse Village, and married his daughter to the mightiest mouse in the village. The wedding was held on the third day of the new year, and it was a grand and joyous wedding.




