The Red Purse 紅色的皮包
Home Good Morals & Virtues The Red Purse
The Red Purse
In the joyful forest, there was a little goat who loved to sing. One day, as the little goat was walking home while singing, he suddenly noticed a red purse lying in the grass by the side of the road. Hurrying over to take a look, the little goat thought, “Someone must have dropped this purse, and might be really worried.”So, the little goat decided to stand by the road and wait for the owner of the lost purse.

Before long, a little monkey passed by and saw the goat standing by the road. Feeling curious, he asked, “Little goat, the sun is so hot, why are you standing here under the hot sun?” The little goat replied, “I found a purse and I’m waiting here for its owner to come back.”The monkey chuckled and said, “You are so silly! If it were me, I’d take the money inside and buy something I like. I most certainly wouldn’t be waiting here.” The little goat replied, “That’s not right. Mama always taught me to be honest, and not to take things that don’t belong to me.”

Just then, the little goat’s mother hurriedly approached and saw the little goat and monkey. She asked, “Have you seen a red purse?” The little goat replied, “Mama, is that your purse? But, I have never seen you with a red purse before.” Mama goat said, “Yes! That’s my new purse. I was planning to take it to the market to buy groceries , but I dropped it on the way.”

The little goat smiled and took out the purse, saying, “Mama, I found a purse, and was waiting for the owner to come back. I didn’t know it was yours.” Mama goat joyfully exclaimed, “Darling, you’re amazing! Later, I'll buy your favorite cake for you to eat.” With that, Mama goat took the little goat to buy a cake.

快樂森林裡有一隻愛唱歌的小山羊,有一天,小山羊一邊唱歌一邊走路回家。突然,發現路旁的草叢裡有一個紅色的皮包,趕緊走過去看看,小山羊心想:「應該是有人掉了皮包,這個人一定會很著急。」於是,小山羊想了 一想,決定站在路旁等遺失皮包的人。


