The Mouse with Antlers 有角的老鼠
Home Good Morals & Virtues The Mouse with Antlers
The Mouse with Antlers
The mice and the weasels were sworn enemies, they fought a lot. However, the mice always lost, and rushed back to the safety of their hole. The mice gathered together to think of a plan to defeat the weasels. They decided that they lost because they did not have a leader.

So they voted by a show of hands and elected a mouse as their leader. The leader was very pleased to be in charge. So, he told the other mice, “I would like to wear the most beautiful pair of antlers on my head. The antlers must be as strong as an antelope’s and as graceful as a deer’s, to show off my majesty.” All the mice worked day and night to make a pair of  strong and graceful antlers for their leader to wear on his head.

One day, the mice and the weasels had an argument and they started to fight again. Though the mice had a leader, the weasels were way too large, and the mice lost again. The scared mice began to run back to the safety of their hole. But the leader could not squeeze into the hole because of the big antlers on his head. He refused to take his beautiful antlers off, and he was captured by the weasels. The weasels told the weeping mouse, “Your vanity made you wear a beautiful pair of antlers on your head, which prevented you from escaping. Such irony!”


