Seeing is not always believing 眼見不為實
Home Good Morals & Virtues Seeing is not always believing
Seeing is not always believing
Confucius was a famous educator in ancient times. To realize his ambitions, he traveled from nation to nation, looking for a wise ruler. One day, Confucius and his disciples ran out of rice to eat. They had eaten only vegetables for many days and they felt very hungry. It so happened that Yanhui, one of Confucius’ disciples, came back with some rice. He hurried and went to cook the rice for his teacher. However, Confucius saw Yanhui opening the pot lid and used his bare hands to scoop up some rice and taste it. Confucius pretended that he did not see what happened.

Afterward, Yanhui brought a bowl of rice to Confucius and said, “Teacher, I have cooked the rice, please eat first.” Confucius replied, “I dreamt of my ancestors this morning. Now, I would like to offer this clean bowl of rice to my ancestors.” Yanhui heard this and quickly replied, “Teacher, I am sorry but I tasted the rice already. It cannot be used to pay respects to your ancestors.” Confucius asked, “Why did you taste it first?” Yanhui’s cheeks turned red and he said, “Something dirty dropped into the rice but it would be wasteful to throw the rice away. So, I ate the dirty part of the rice.”

Confucius sighed and said, “Many people believe that seeing is believing. But sometimes you can't believe all that you see. If you really want to know someone, you have to use your heart!”


後來,顏回端了一碗白飯給孔子並說 :「老師,我已經煮好了白飯,請您先吃。」孔子回答說:「我今天早上夢見了祖先,現在想要用這碗乾淨的白飯來祭拜祖先。」 顏回急忙說:「老師,這碗飯我已經吃過了,不能用來祭拜祖先。」孔子問說:「為什麼你會先吃過了呢?」顏回臉紅紅的回答說:「因為剛剛有髒東西掉進白飯裡,如果就這樣丟掉,實在太浪費了,所以我就把髒掉的部分吃掉了。」
