The Origin of Thanksgiving 感恩節的由來
Home Festivals & Customs The Origin of Thanksgiving
The Origin of Thanksgiving
In 1620, the Mayflower brought a new group of colonists to America. It was winter, and their crops would not grow in the heavy snow. Many people starved because they had no food to eat, and some fell ill as a result.

In spring the following year, a Native American called Samoset came to the colonists and said, "Let me teach you how to grow crops suitable for this land." The Native Americans helped the new colonists, and taught them how to grow corn, peas and pumpkins. They also taught the colonists how to fish and hunt.

The colonists were very grateful to the Native Americans for their help. When autumn arrived, the crops in the fields were ready to be harvested, The colonists were overjoyed to see their first harvest. One of them said, "We need to thank Samoset and the other Native Americans for this bountiful harvest." The colonists decided to prepare a delicious Thanksgiving Feast to thank the Native Americans for their help.

Then, in 1789, the government declared that Thanksgiving was to be held on November 26th every year, to thank the Native Americans and God for their help.



