The Legend of the God of Matchmaking and Marriage 月下老人
Home Festivals & Customs The Legend of the God of Matchmaking and Marriage
The Legend of the God of Matchmaking and Marriage
There was once a man named Wei Gu. One day, Wei Gu passed by Song City. It was getting dark, so he decided to stay at an inn. In the middle of the night, Wei Gu got up to go to the toilet. After going to the toilet, Wei Gu passed by the courtyard. He saw an old man standing in the moonlight. The old man was flipping through a thick book. Wei Gu walked over to the old man and asked curiously, “It is so late, what book are you reading?” The old man answered, “This is the heavenly book that records all marriages between men and women.” Wei Gu saw a large sack on the floor next to the old man and asked, “What is in this sack?” The old man said, “It contains red cords to bind the feet of people who are destined to marry each other.” Wei Gu was not convinced. Dawn came, and the old man got up and walked out of the inn. Wei Gu decided to follow him around.

As they approached the city center, they saw a blind woman carrying a little gir who was about three years old. The old man turned and told Wei Gu, “This little girl will be your wife.” Wei Gu became angry as he did not want to marry a blind woman’s daughter. So, he told his servant, “Go kill the little girl!”

Fourteen years passed. Wei Gu married the daughter of the Governor of Xiang Prefecture. She was noble and very beautiful, but she had a scar on her forehead, which she hid behind a golden flower. When Wei Gu asked his wife about the scar, he learned that she was the little girl that the blind woman was carrying, and that the blind woman was her nanny. Wei Gu was surprised to hear her story, and told his wife about the old man under the moon. They finally believed the old man under the moon, and loved each other even more.

When the County Magistrate of Song City heard about the amazing story, he found the inn that Wei Gu stayed in, and renamed it the “Red Cords Inn.”


