The Fox and the Big Gray Bear 狐狸與大灰熊
Home Stories The Fox and the Big Gray Bear
The Fox and the Big Gray Bear
One day, a fox caught a rabbit, and was about to enjoy a hearty meal when a brown bear approached from behind. With ill intentions, the bear said to the fox, “This rabbit looks delicious! Could you give it to me?” The fox was reluctant to give up his rabbit, but the bear was tall and strong, and the fox knew that if he fought the bear, he would surely lose.

So, the fox told the big brown bear, “I’d be delighted to give it to you! However, in this forest, there is a mightier bear than you, who forbids me from doing so. He even threatened to eat me if I didn’t catch a rabbit for him to eat every day!” The bear was furious and exclaimed, “Darn it! How dare there be a mightier bear than I! Bring me to him now, so I can challenge him.”

The fox  took the bear to a lake. Then, he pointed at the water and said, “See for yourself! The mighty bear is there.” The bear looked upon the lake, and saw that there was indeed a tall and mighty bear. Fuming, the bear shouted, “Who are you? How dare you show off here!” But the bear in the lake did not reply. This made the bear even angrier.

The fox said, “Big brother bear, don’t get angry. Let me offer the rabbit to him instead!” “No!” roared the bear, “I must show him how strong I am!” and so, with a splash,  the bear jumped into the lake. “Help! Help me!” The poor bear drowned in the lake, before he could find the other bear. He did not realize that the bear he saw was merely his own reflection upon the water’s surface. Seeing this, the cunning fox left happily with the rabbit.



