The Mosquito and the Lion 蚊子和獅子
Home Stories The Mosquito and the Lion
The Mosquito and the Lion
A lion had just finished his delicious meal, and laid down under a tree. He patted his round tummy and prepared to take an afternoon nap.

A mosquito that had been flying about in the bushes nearby saw the sleeping lion. He flew over and buzzed in the lion's ear. The lion was woken up by the noise and shouted angrily at the mosquito, "Irritating mosquito! How dare you disturb my sleep?" The mosquito replied defiantly, "Everyone is afraid of you, but not I!" The lion laughed and said, "You must be kidding. I can squash you with one finger! Be gone, and do not disturb my sleep!" The lion blew air at the mosquito, and the mosquito was blown around in circles.

The mosquito flew back to the lion and said, "Just because you are large and strong, does not mean you can beat me. I challenge you to a fight!" The mosquito kept biting the lion's face. The lion was very angry and tried to smack the mosquito, but he missed and hit his own face instead. Soon, the lion's face was swollen and bruised. The lion said, "You win! You win! Please stop biting me!"

The mosquito was very pleased with himself. He flew around and shouted, "I won the Lion! I am the true king of the jungle! Hahaha!" The mosquito was so excited, he did not see a spider web in front of him, and he flew straight into the sticky spider web. The mosquito struggled and shouted for help, but it was too late. A hungry spider had come to eat him for dinner. The mosquito cried and said, "I beat a huge lion, but lost to a tiny spider. How careless I was!"



