The Three Little Pigs 三隻小豬
Home Stories The Three Little Pigs
The Three Little Pigs
Three little pigs grew up, and it was time for them to move out of their mother’s house. However, they did not want to be eaten by the big bad wolf, so, they decided to build their own homes. 

The eldest pig said, “I’ll build my house with straw. It will only take me a day!” The second pig said, “I will build my house with wood. It will only take me three days!” The youngest pig said, “I will build my house with bricks, even if it will take me ten days.”

One day, the big bad wolf came to the house made of straw and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me in!” The eldest pig said, “Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin!” The big bad wolf bared his teeth and said,
“Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” So, he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down! The eldest pig was so frightened he ran away to the second pig’s house. 

The big bad wolf came to the house made of wood and said, “Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!” The two little pigs said, “You will eat us if we open the door! Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin!” The big bad wolf bared his teeth and said, “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” So, he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down! The two little pigs ran to the youngest pig’s house.

The big bad wolf came to the house made of bricks and said, “Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!” The three little pigs said, “If we open the door you will have us for dinner! Not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin!” The big bad wolf bared his teeth and said, “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!” So, he huffed and he puffed, but he could not blow the house down.  The big bad wolf blew so hard, he slipped and fell off a cliff. The three pigs were so happy to see the big bad wolf gone. They started to dance and sing. The youngest pig said, “With a house made of bricks, we will never be afraid of the big bad wolf anymore!”


