Never Too Late 亡羊補牢
Home Idiom Stories & Fables Never Too Late
Never Too Late
During the Warring States period, King Xiang of Chu liked to eat, drink, and make merry with his corrupt officials every day. Minister Zhuang Xin said to the king, “My king, if you continue in this manner, your kingdom will face peril. ”The king was annoyed at hearing this, and did not heed Zhuang Xin’s words. Zhuang Xin had no choice but to tell the king, “If you do not believe me, can you permit me to stay in the Kingdom of Zhao for a while? ”

As foretold, Zhuang Xin had not left for long before the State of Qin launched an attack on the State of Chu, and occupied a vast area of land. King Xiang of Chu was extremely worried and immediately asked Zhuang Xin to come back. He told Zhaung Xin, “I was wrong! I shouldn’t have ignored your advice. What shall we do now? ”Zhuang Xin replied, “Someone once said, ‘It is not too late to release the hounds after spotting the rabbits; nor is it too late to fix a broken pen after the sheep have escaped’. As long as you keep your distance from corrupt officials, and heed the advice of virtuous ministers, you will surely be able to defeat the Qin army. ” 

This time, the king heeded Zhuang Xin’s advice, and managed to defeat the Qin army and chase them from his land.


