Repeated Rumors Sound True 三人成虎
Home Idiom Stories & Fables Repeated Rumors Sound True
Repeated Rumors Sound True
During the Warring States Period, countries often went to war with their enemies and formed pacts with their allies. To ensure these pacts would not be broken, kings would send their own children to their allies as hostages, as proof of their commitment to the pact.

One day, Pang Cong, a Minister of the State of Wei, was to accompany the Prince of Wei to the State of Zhao as a hostage. Before setting off, Pang Cong was worried that someone would take the opportunity to harm his reputation. So, he told the King of Wei, "My King, your humble subject has a question for you.""Speak", said the King.

"My King, If someone were to tell you there was a tiger in the city would you believe him?" The King laughed and replied, "Of course not! That is impossible!" Pang Cong asked again,"If a second person also told you that there is a tiger in the city, would you believe him?" The King of Wei replied,"If that happened, I would wonder if it were true."

Pang Cong asked again,"What if a third person also told you that there is a tiger in the city, would you believe him?" The King of Wei said,"Well, if three people say the same thing, then it has got to be true!" Pang Cong said, "Even young children know that it is impossible to find a tiger in the city. But, if three people repeat the same rumor, the rumor will seem to be true." Pang Cong paused a while, and continued to speak. "The State of Zhao is far away and the journey will take a long time. I know that more than three people who will try to spread rumors about me. Therefore, I hope you will not believe these rumors, my King."

The King of Wei nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. Rest assured, I will not believe any rumors about you." However, as Pang Cong predicted, many people spread rumors about him while he was gone. Sadly, the King of Wei believed the rumors, and did not trust Pang Cong anymore.




