The perfect bridegroom 東床快婿
Home Idiom Stories & Fables The perfect bridegroom
The perfect bridegroom
Wang Xizhi (AD 321~379) lived during the Jin Dynasty and was best known for his mastery of Chinese calligraphy. He started practicing Chinese calligraphy at a young age. He was so determined to master calligraphy that he placed tiny tables  in every corner of his house with brushes, ink, paper, and inkstone. Whenever he thought of an idea to bring out the beauty in a Chinese character, he would immediately put ink to paper. He was never lazy.

When Wang Xizhi turned twenty, the Grand Tutor sent a disciple to the Prime Minister, hoping the Prime Minister would gather suitors for the disciple to choose the right man for the Grand Tutor's daughter. The Grand Tutor was a high ranking official and his daughter was beautiful and talented. Many suitors invited by the Prime Minister tried their best to impress the disciple, in the hopes of being chosen as the groom of the bride. On the day of the selection, everyone appeared in their finest robes and quoted famous literary texts in order to impress the disciple.

Since Wang Xizhi was a relative of the Prime Minister, he was also invited to the audition. However, he was so concentrated on practicing his calligraphy that day, he forgot about the time. 

“Oh dear! I better make my way to the Prime Minister’s house!” When Wang Xizhi remembered about the selection, it was already over. It was very hot that day. When Wang Xizhi arrived at the Prime Minister’s house, he was covered in sweat. So, he removed his outer clothing and sat toples on a bed in the eastern chamber. He sipped tea and ate snacks. He seemed to forget about the selection and appeared calm and relaxed.

The Grand Tutor’s assistant told the Grand Tutor that someone was not only late, he appeared calm and relaxed while sipping tea and eating snacks. The Grand Tutor laughed and clapped his hands, “Really? What a forthright young man!” “Do you choose him?” The Grand Tutor said, “Yes! Who is he? I want him to marry my daughter!” Afterward, the Grand Tutor visited the Prime Minister and found out that the young man was no other than Wang Xizhi and decided to let him marry his daughter.



