The Fox’s Invitation 狐狸請客
Home Fantasic Stories The Fox’s Invitation
The Fox’s Invitation
Once upon a time in Happy Forest, there lived a mischievous fox. As he frequently played pranks on others, whenever they saw him approaching, all the animals would scatter in fear. The fox laughed gleefully when he saw how terrified everyone was of him.

One day, the fox grinned at a stork and said, “Mr. Stork, I would like to invite you to my house for dinner tomorrow. I will prepare a magnificent feast to welcome you.”The stork thought for a while and said, “Sure! I will be there.”However, the fox was not sincere in inviting the stork for dinner. On the contrary, he intended to play a prank on Mr. Stork. So, the fox only made a pot of pea soup. And then, he poured the soup into a very flat and shallow plate. When the stork sat down to dinner, the soup kept dribbling out of his long beak, and he could not eat the soup no matter how hard he tried. The fox grinned and said, “Oh, Mr. Stork, the way you eat is so funny!”The stork realized that the fox had played a prank on him. He felt very angry, but he did not say anything.

After getting home, the angry stork decided to teach the mischievous fox a lesson. So, he invited the fox to his house for dinner the next day. On that day, the stork had roasted some delicious chicken. When the fox came and smelled the roast chicken, he asked the stork hungrily, “Mr. Stork, the chicken smells so delicious! I am so hungry. Is dinner ready yet?”The stork smiled and said, “Dinner is ready. You are sure to love it!” Then, the stork came to the table, and placed a tall bottle with long, narrow neck on the table, with the delicious chicken inside. The stork could reach the chicken easily with his long beak. But the fox could not reach the chicken, and could only watch as the stork ate the chicken.
