The Brightly Colored Mushrooms 鮮豔的香菇
Home Fantasic Stories The Brightly Colored Mushrooms
The Brightly Colored Mushrooms
Once upon a time, a cute little boar lived in the forest. His favorite food was mushrooms. Whenever the little boar went out to play, he would always take his basket to pick mushrooms to bring home for dinner.

One day, he saw some brightly colored mushrooms growing at the base of a large tree. He said excitedly, “Wow! These mushrooms look so pretty! They must taste delicious! I will pick all of these mushrooms and have them for dinner tonight.”The little boar began to pick the colorful mushrooms and place them in his basket. As there were many mushrooms, the little boar took a long time to pick them all.

Then, he sang as he happily set off for home. When the little boar got home, Papa boar noticed how happy he was. And so, he asked the little boar, “Dear son, you look so happy today. Did you find a lot of mushrooms?”The little boar replied, “Yes, dad! I found many brightly colored mushrooms today. You have got to try the mushrooms later during dinner.”

Upon hearing this, Papa boar immediately checked the mushrooms in the basket. He shook his head and told the little boar, “My son, beautiful appearances are sometimes like sharp knives, which can be quite deadly. You must be very careful. Though these mushrooms are very pretty and eye catching, they are actually poisonous and absolutely cannot be eaten.”

After hearing what his father said, the little boar hurriedly threw the mushrooms away. After this, the little boar learned that truly delicious mushrooms are those that do not look remarkable. On the other hand, brightly colored mushrooms not only taste bad, they are also dangerous.
