Little Goat Learns to Climb 小山羊學會爬山
Home Fantasic Stories Little Goat Learns to Climb
Little Goat Learns to Climb
Once upon a time, there was a wooden cottage at the foot of a mountain that was home to Mama Goat and Baby Goat. Under the tender and loving care of Mama Goat, Baby Goat grew stronger and taller each day.

One day, Mama Goat told Baby Goat,“My child, you are fully grown, and should start working, and learn how to be independent. I am getting old, and cannot take care of you forever.”Baby Goat nodded as he replied,“Okay! What shall I do today?”His mother said, “Deliver this bundle of grass to Mr. Deer!”Baby Goat carried the grass on his shoulders, and set off after bidding goodbye to his mother.

To reach Mr. Deer’s home, Baby Goat had to cross a mountain. He stood at the foot of the mountain, and thought to himself, “Wow! This mountain is so high, I wonder if I am able to climb it?”A little white rabbit happened to pass by, so Baby Goat asked the rabbit,“Excuse me, can this mountain be climbed?”The little white rabbit replied, “Of course!I climb it two to three times a day!”Baby Goat continued walking and thought to himself, “This mountain is so high. How could anyone climb it so many times in a day?”He then ran into Little Boar, and hurriedly asked the boar the same question.“Oh! It is very dangerous!” replied the boar.“I nearly rolled down the mountain yesterday!”After hearing what Little Boar said, Little Goat turned around and went home immediately.

When Mama Goat saw Baby Goat, she asked,“Why have you returned with the grass?”Baby Goat replied, “Mama, a little white rabbit told me the mountain was easy to climb, but Little Boar told me the mountain was very dangerous. Seeing how high the mountain was made me very scared, so, I turned around and came home.”Mama Goat said gently,“Do not blindly believe what other people tell you. You should learn how to form your own opinions. Go try again.”

Baby Goat decided to try climbing the mountain for himself. Though the climb made him tired and sweaty, he successfully delivered the grass to Mr. Deer’s home.
