Page 73 - 學華語向前走課本-入門A-漢語拼音版
P. 73
Part III 課堂活動:蘿蔔蹲
課堂活動 蘿蔔蹲
Classroom Activity: The Daikon Squat
1. 將班上同學圍成一圈,每個同學抽籤決定角色。
將班上同學圍成一圈 每個同學抽籤決定角色
The students stand in a circle and draw lots to determine which roles they play.
2. 每個人拿角色字卡,並猜拳決定哪個人開始發號施令。
每個人拿角色字卡 並猜拳決定哪個人開始發號施令
Each student takes a card. Then they play rock-paper-scissors to determine who is
to start.
3. 被點名的角色,需一邊蹲一邊指定下一個角色。例如被點
被點名的角色 需一邊蹲一邊指定下一個角色 例如被點
名的角色是爸爸 則爸爸要一邊蹲 一邊說 爸爸蹲 爸
爸蹲,爸爸蹲完,XX 蹲」。
爸蹲 爸爸蹲完 蹲
The first student squats and points to the student who is to be next. For example,if
the “Dad” role card is designated, the “Dad” squats and says, “Squat, Dad. Squat,
Dad. Dad’s finished squatting! Squat XX!”
4. 必須在限定時間內開始動作並完成指定下一個角色的指
必須在限定時間內開始動作並完 成指定下一個角色的指
令 沒做到的那個角色被淘汰
The next person has to start squatting and designate the next person within a given
amount of time. If the student doesn’t complete all the tasks within that time, the
student is eliminated.
Let's Learn Chinese 學華語向前走 73