Page 21 - 學華語向前走課本-入門A-漢語拼音版
P. 21
第一課 你好 Hello
Part III 課堂活動:發音炸彈
課堂活動 發音炸彈
Classroom Activity: Pronunciation Bomb
1. 老師念本課生詞,如果該生詞含有聲母 n,則學生須舉起
老師念本課生詞 如果該生詞含有聲母 則學生須舉起
The teacher reads the vocabulary words from this lesson. If a word contains the
sound n, then students are to raise both hands.
2. 如果該生詞不含聲母 n,則學生不能有反應。
如果該生詞不含聲母 則學生不能有反應
If a word does not contain the sound n, students should not raise their hands.
3. 如果老師念出「你好」這個詞,全班同學需起立。
如果老師念出 你好 這個詞 全班同學需起立
If the teacher says “Hello”, students should not raise their hands.
4. n 可以抽換為 l、h、d、a、i。
l, h, d, a, and i can be used in place of n.
參考生詞 Reference Vocabulary Words